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软件工程 Software Engineering
日期:2017-04-26 11:28:53  发布人:admin  浏览量:2269

学制:四年 Academic year: Four Years

学分:本专业毕业不低于 170 学分 Credit : No less than 170 credits

学位:工学学士Degree : Bachelor of Engineering



本专业培养学生具备计算机软件方面专业知识与能力,掌握软件工程专业的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,特别是软件项目管理与开发技术、信息系统的分析与设计技术和嵌入式软件开发技术;掌握需求分析和建模、软件设计和实现、软件评审与测试、软件过程改进与项目管理、设计人机交互界面的基本方法等,用软件工程的思想、方法和技术来分析、设计和实现计算机软件系统的专业基本技能,毕业后能在 IT 行业、科研机构、企事业中从事计算机应用软件系统的开发和研制的应用型高级专门人才。  

Educational Objectives

Students in this major will have professional knowledge and ability of computer software, master the basic theory of software engineering, the basic knowledge and skills, especially in the technology of software project management and development, information system analysis and design technology and embedded software development technology; on the top of these, mastering the basic methods of requirements analysis and modeling, software design and implementation, the software evaluation and test, software process improvement and project management, the human-computer interaction interface design, etc., analysis, design and implement of basic professional skills of computer software system under the guideline of the thought, method and techniques of software engineering are also required. After graduation these talents can engage in the development and application of computer application software system in the IT industry, research institutions and enterprises.



高级语言程序设计、数据结构、汇编语言程序设计、面向对象程序设计、计算机网络、操作系统、数据库原理及应用、软件工程、离散数学、JAVA 程序设计、统一建模语言、软件测试、数据库程序设计、算法分析和 LINUX 等。

Main Courses

Advanced Language Programme Design, Data Structure, Professional Assembly Language, object-oriented programs, Computer networks, Operating Systems, Database Principles and Applications, Software Engineering, Discrete Mathematics, JAVA Programming, Unified Modeling Language, Software Testing, Database Programming, Algorithm Analysis and LINUX, etc.

核发:admin 点击数:2269收藏本页