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计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology
日期:2017-04-26 11:27:56  发布人:admin  浏览量:2201

学制:四年  Academic year: Four Years

学分:本专业毕业不低于 170 学分 Credit : No less than 170 credits

学位:工学学士Degree : Bachelor of Engineering




Educational Objectives

Students in this major study the basic theory and knowledge of Computer Science and Technology and Computer Communication, accept the basic training of working on scientific research and computer application system development. On this basis, students meet the requirements of professional knowledge structure and have a strong practical ability by taking computer science and technology and related professional courses. Through the study of cultural, economic and other courses, students can have good humanistic quality, cooperation and learning ability, become qualified senior specialized talents who possess innovative spirit and can engage in teaching, application development and project management in the field of computer science and technology and its application.




Main Courses

Discrete Mathematics, Linear circuits and Logic circuit, Assemble Language, Advanced Language Programme Design, OOT, Data Structure, Computer Organization and Architecture, Principle of Microcomputer Interface Technology, Computer Network, Operating System, Database System, Embedded System Design and Development, etc.

核发:admin 点击数:2201收藏本页