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新能源科学与工程New Energy Science and Engineering
日期:2017-04-26 11:36:21  发布人:admin  浏览量:3191


Academic year: four years

学分:本专业毕业不低于 178 学分

Credit: No less than 178 credits


Degree: Bachelor of Engineering




Educational Objectives

This major focuses on training students to grasp required basic skills, including new energy utilization, PV material preparation and design, implementation, application, maintenance and management of PV products and their system. Students are required to possess some abilities to analyze and design new energy PV products, master the way to produce, prepare and inspect ordinary new energy PV products and understand operation procedure, multiple properties and applications of various new energies PV materials and systems as well as know some operation skills of equipment, appliances and system. They should own relevant capabilities to conduct scientific study, product design and management in various fields like new energy system engineering, PV material preparation, PV system engineering and other related areas. Besides, they should keep pace with the subject frontier and its development trend and have a command of innovative thinking and the abilities to acquire and handle information.




Main courses

Microcomputer theory and interfacing technology, Introduction to new energy science, Photovoltaic cell device physics, Basis of semiconductor silicon material, Principle and Application of SCM, Energy engineering management, New energy technology, New energy material, Photovoltaic cell and its application, Photovoltaic technology and engineering

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